Über uns

Title: ‘The Weakness’
Artist: I Am The Moon
Release Date: 29.09.2023
The creative minds behind the musical journey of I Am The Moon are Kai Beisner and Markus Roseneck. Together they have a history that spans back to the late 1990s. Punk Rock, over 100 live shows all over Germany and several collaborations with international artists marked their way to Hamburg and their new home with nhb music at the legendary H.O.M.E. studios in Hamburg.
Both rooted in the heart of the creative process, found themselves in the same space. Inspired by the studio’s storied history and vintage aesthetic, they embarked on a new project under the banner I Am The Moon.
In September 2023 the culmination of their artistic evolution arrives with the release of their debut single ‘The Weakness’. A fusion of their collective experiences, a tribute to their relentless passion, and an embodiment of their musical growth – “The Weakness” sets the stage for what promises to be an extraordinary journey for I Am The Moon.
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Get in touch!
+49 40 - 450 120 - 0
Music Production Studio
Bogenstraße 52
20144 Hamburg, Deutschland