Über uns
Finding the right song, contacting the rights holders and clearing the music rights in time for the start of a campaign can be a challenge. But not for us. Our comprehensive service covers everything from music research – our archives and libraries contain more than 300,000 songs – to the clearing and purchase of the necessary rights and the final, formal licencing contract.
For the commercial use of protected music in an audiovisual project, the music must first be licensed. This is regardless of whether it’s an entire song or a short excerpt.
As the interface between music and the advertising industry, we conduct the entire contractual negotiation for the promotional use of a song.
We take complete responsible for clearing the rights with the original rights holders.
Licensing costs vary from case to case due to various parameters such as duration of use, the respective medium, the territory of a campaign, as well as the brand itself which wants to acquire the song.
We will take you through the whole process, starting with the perfect timing for the release of your campaign’s song, to a comprehensive cooperation with the artists for events, live performances or the creation of your own content for your media channels.
Partnership And Fairness For All Involved.
As a rule of thumb:
for promotional use, two synchronisation licences must be acquired
– the copyright licence of the music publisher, who represents the interests of the composers and lyricists.
– the master-use licence of the record label which owns the master rights of the original recording of the song.
However, due to the artists’ personal rights, the actual decision makers for the approval of a song are the lyricists and composers (for the musical work – copyright) and the performers (for the original recording – master right).
Furthermore, performance fees or streaming rights may have to be acquired from the responsible collection society. In Germany, for example, this is usually GEMA.
For meetings, we can come together and work with each other at any time in our virtual studios and confis. Brilliant technology connects us here too, of course.
Get in touch!
+49 40 - 450 120 - 0
Music Production Studio
Bogenstraße 52
20144 Hamburg, Deutschland